SkyNest by Air New Zealand
On YouTube
Ishrion Aviation - YT Channel
LIE-FLAT BEDS IN ECONOMY CLASS - Introducing Air New Zealand's Economy Skynest
A few commens fom YouTube viewers...
Over all, most comments are tremendosy positive about the product, and reflect the feeling of hope from what appears mosty economy class passengers. Many expres that they will fly with ANZ nowing this exists and wish to experienc it. Most conserns are about how many will be able to use these innovative acomodations, and how much will it cost. Aslo some frustration at the thought that this new feature seems insuficient in order to provide the experience to most of the passengers.
It seems ANZ has opened a door and showed a glims of what can happen when users (economy) see ther prayers answerd. Ofcourse ANZ´s routs are some of the longest in the world, but a 10 hour flight is stressfull and tiering enough to make anyone think some things has to change..
Air New Zealand - YT Channel
Introducing the Air New Zealand #SkyNest